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Old Nov 28, 2006, 02:37 PM // 14:37   #1
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Lightbulb The Alchemist.....II

Well, I had that great idea today...

I thought that an Alchemist would be a great addition of the world of GW...

Anyway I came here with my great idea and noticed that someone already posted that...
However I decided to make my own post since my ideas are quite a bit different.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen I present you the Alchemist:

First of all a new type of skill has to be introduced: 'the potion'.
Potions are Skills, that are very similiar to Enchantments. However, Potions can only be cast upon oneself, the alchemist or handed to party memebers but the Alchemist would have to walk to the party member and hand him the potions. Also, Potions have no effect as long as the alchemist maintains them. It is important to point out that Potions have no upkeep cost to maintain them, they only cost energy when they are being cast.

To sum up. the Alchemist 'prepares' his potions before battle, 'casting them on himself or handing them to party members', they have no effect as long as he maintains them and then when the Alchemist 'he uses it' and then the potion would have an effect - either on party memebers or himself.

There would be also a limit of how many potions could be maintained by an alchemist, which brings me to the first point.

The Primary Attribute.

Potion Mixing ..... (what else ? )

Potion Mixing would give the Alchemist 1 energy for every level of Potion Mixing after activating a Potion and increases the maximum number of potions that can be maintained by 1 for every 2 levels of potion mixing.

Oh I am not sure yet but I think Potions should be stackable...
The Alchemist could cast the same potions 2 times and would have 2 potions so he could use that potion twice...
This is somewhat balanced by the fact that there is a maximum number of potions that can be maintained.

The weapon:

Slingshot. Used to deliver Explosive/Bad stuff to the enemy ... great idea thanks to BahamutKaiser

(Firstly I thought a rifle would be great but Slingshot is way better and original)

The secondary attributes:

Acids, Explosives, Drugs, Medicine - AEDM

The AEDM attributes


Thrown upon a foe they would 'hex' him and cause effects like for 20 seconds target foe has only 50% armor...
Or they could corrode the armor of the enemy and slow him down...
Or maybe Blind the enemy ?
... I see a lot of potential here


Explosives that are delivered to the enemy by using the slingshot.. also this might be the primary weapon attribute


This is my favourite one .
This could be potions that increase the Alchemists power/mental ability/endurance
Like Potions that make the Alchemist move faster, mix potions faster.
Or they could give him evasion...
..I see plenty of potential here as well.


Quite obvious.. no need to explain.
The Alchemist might also give potions to party member .. so if you stop maintaining the potion and you have a party memeber as target... the Alchemist would walk to the party member and then the effect of the potion would trigger instantly on the party member.
Same counts for drugs.

I really, really hope that someone of NCsoft reads that , since I really like the idea of playing an Alchemist.
As you coul see my ideas are not that clear on how the Alchemist should work but I'm trying to give the developers some inspiration or those of you that make other concept classes.

I also heard that the next chapter of GW will take place in some icy cold world, and I could imagine having Alchemists side by side with high mountains and dwarves working in mines (Alchemists are needed in mines cuz of explosives) really well.

I hope you enjoyed reading through all of this, if you did .

I would really appreciate getting some feedback on this ^^

greets, BB


1. I deleted the secondary attributes scheme using Steel essences...and other essences to make the post shorter.
2. Changed weapon to Slingshot.. way better concept than a rifle..thanks to BahamutKaiser

Last edited by bonevbs; Nov 29, 2006 at 12:51 PM // 12:51.. Reason: Shorter and better now.
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Old Nov 29, 2006, 05:18 AM // 05:18   #2
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It sounds interesting enough, but the Alchemist definetly needs to be able to heal others, there is only one class which does proficient healing, and another class which is proficient at healing is in demand, with this Monks might actually have an alternative, as we can use paragon for protection and alchemist for healing, and maybe one monk for a combination.

The idea of making potions which have different effects, and mixing them together to add combine effects is also a good idea. It would take longer to prepare those skills but they could be more potent nukes and healing since it takes longer to prepare, often needing to be prepared beforehand.

One difficulty would be how an actual potion mixing interface would actually work. I can think of a few ways, but I will wait for you to take a crack at it first.

One of my favorite ideas for an alchemist was the one which included slingshots, as a weapon and mode of delivery for bombs and potions. Not the rubber band kind, but the actual spin and sling shot, it was originally one of the first tools to deliver explosive devices when they were first invented, and I think it would be a perfect weapon for this kind of class.

I think a crossbow is also an appropriate weapon for a more modern class, but because it would likely provide no difference from Bows or Spears, it is very mundain, if another ranged attack is added to the game, it should be more original, like the sling which doubles as a device to deliver ranged potion attacks. If the potion attacks could only be used at touch distance without the sling, and required a sling to cast at range, it would make it original from other ranged weapons as a skill delivery system not just for nukes and attacks, but also for healing techniques.

This is probably the best alchemist idea I have seen on this forum, and I'm glad I actually tolk the time to read it (because I wasn't going to). I hope you can refine it and add at least 2 more original features to make it an impressive class idea.
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Old Nov 29, 2006, 12:35 PM // 12:35   #3
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first of all, thanks for your reply.

My idea on the potion creation interface would be one that is similiar to the Enchantments interface, the spot where the Enchantments that you are upkeeping would be the place where the symbols of the potion skills that you maintain are shown.

About the Group healing..

I thought that maybe if you create a potion and maintain it and you activate it (stop maintain it) with someone as target the Alchemist could go to that target and hand the potion to that target, which would cause the effect of the potion to trigger instantly on the target.

It might be possible as well that drugs could be used to power up group members in the same way if you apply the AEDM attribute system which i prefer of both systems.

It also came to my mind that an Alchemist/Assassin would be a mighty healer since the potions should have strong effects due to the duration the Alchemist needs to walk to the target, and the Assassin subclass would make that walking time 0.

Anyway I'd appreciate more comments and I'll think on that class some more andn tell you my new ideas...
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Old Nov 29, 2006, 12:36 PM // 12:36   #4
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Oh, and Ill think a bit more on the potion mixing interface since I didnt really reply to it ^^

And the Slingshot as a weapon idea is great. I admit it's way better than a staff or a rifle ^^
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